Monday, July 30, 2012

Strawberry Market Bag

I got bored with the seemingly endless straps on my beach bag, so I hopped into a new project the Strawberry Market Bag. Because I am neglectful in posting, I will post up my pics from beginning to near end for this one. Partly because it knit very, very fast, and mostly because I'm neglectful.

False start! I knitted the picot hem to start the project while chatting with a friend. After they left I realized I had failed "knitting in the round 101" and twisted my stitches. D'oh!

2nd try, while being VERY sure about how the stitches were twisting before joining the first round. This time around I used a white waste yarn for my provisional cast on and just pulled it out after the hem was complete.

 2 nights in - The rows are just the right amount of mindless and addictive that I hated to put it down. You always seem to be starting the next round before you get to a point where you could stop, thus one more round for this completionist.

Clipping along with the rounds. My pinkie gave me progressively more trouble until I started splinting it. Then I figured out a different way to hold the yarn that would accommodate not moving it. I think I managed to injure it some way during my moving week off, and just continued to aggravate it by knitting non stop. It is now almost fully healed and I have a more comfortable way to hold the yarn.

Starting on the bottom with the devil DPNs. Those things were sharp! Sharp good when you knit tight, sharp baaaaaddddd when you push with your finger. At least it is nearing the home stretch!

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